28 lessons

28 Good Life lessons I learned in 28 years

Today is my birthday so I am sharing some (out of many) lessons I learned on my journey so far.

Feel free to take one, share one, save one, send one to someone who needs a lil’ 🧡-reminder.

28 lessons from 28 years around the sun

⭐︎ nurture your community. The medicine in being witnessed by someone who’s walking the path beside you is beyond measure. ⁠
⭐︎ be ok with being uncomfortable. Life is going to challenge you, but it will also surprise you.
⭐︎ love to learn, you will never arrive at knowing everything, so be a student to life.
⭐︎ find joy in the mundane. Life is a lot more beautiful than you think.
⭐︎ be appreciative of the little things people do for you. You never know the intent behind one simple text, call, voice note.
⭐︎ reflect on how far you’ve come. You will see the payoff for progress in the long haul.

⭐︎ go above & beyond to make someone’s day. You never know how far it’ll go.
⭐︎ stop comparing your life to someone else’s. You are your own main character in your story.
⭐︎ take time to encourage yourself. It’ll help you encourage others.
⭐︎ you are your own guru. Don’t outsource your healing.
⭐︎ no. one. has. it. together. NO. ONE.

.. that was a big one for me.

⭐︎ when in doubt, dance it out & cuddle your pet. Or pillow.
⭐︎ everything you believe is real, but not (always) true.
⭐︎ be okay with messy, make mistakes often & learn from them. They don’t make you a mistake. Just a ‘normal’, messy human being.
⭐︎ be courageous in the small things that way you become more daring in the big things.
⭐︎ know the difference between being with an emotion & becoming it. Let them flow through you (hint: yoga is a great tool for that).
⭐︎ you are more capable than you think. You are not your thoughts.
⭐︎ you can always begin again.

…read that again.

⭐︎ connect with ‘real’, honest people. In ‘real’ life.
⭐︎ change can always lead to good depending on your perspective.
⭐︎ be present, put your phone away. Often.
⭐︎ be gentle & kind. Always.
⭐︎ you can only get ‘there’ by being ‘here’.
⭐︎ there is so much wisdom in ‘not-knowing’. Trust the space ‘in-between’.
⭐︎ you don’t need to give everyone access to your energy. Learn to set solid boundaries.
⭐︎ there is NOTHING that will make you, as being, any more complete than you already are.
⭐︎ you are free to consciously create your own GOOD life. This one saved my life.
⭐︎ don’t forget to live, love, and BE whoever YOU want to be. This one changed my life.

My twenties taught me SO many lessons

What I need to let go of.
And what excites me.
What I truly want.
What matters the most.

Who I am, what I do, where I’m going – it’s different than expected and it’s better than I could have ever imagined. Morphing out of old programming and emerging into a new way of being.

Going through my own transformation and leading my first group coaching program “The Total Transformation©” taught me that healing, growth and transformation is less about becoming someone else, but more about embracing all you already are – whole, enough, complete.

The path to wholeness is not an easy one.

It’s not a linear journey.

It’s an unlearning of everything you thought to be true and (re)learning of all that you have always been but somehow forgotten.

Embracing all of what this precious life has to offer means embracing seasons of growth and surrender, of rest and integration, of becoming and being in peace with whatever is.

My heart has been asking for more of my presence. More authenticity. More – Me.

Today, I am so grateful that I didn’t end up with what I thought I needed (the degrees, the external validation, the miracle..).

When you start to walk the path that ignites the most joy, fear begins to subside & dreams begin to come true.

Life is pretty GOOD when you do!

I am not who I used to be. And that gives me so much peace.

I have nothing to prove. Just a life to enjoy the experience of living – fully. Just being me. Doing me. Becoming all that I came here to be.

What I wish I new before being lost in the darkness for almost a decade: reach out to people that have walked this path. Yes, degrees are important (sometimes necessary even) but lived experience is where expertise is born. Being witnessed is essential to our humanity, our growth, and our ability to move past the trauma that we have survived. You deserve to be supported to become who you came here to be.

Here’s to 28 GOOD years around the sun and many more to come.

With love 🧡


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