Recommended Reading & Watching

I love inspirational books. Especially those with many ‘AHA’ – moments. Early in 2019 I have decided to read between 3-5 books per month. Sometimes more. Sometimes less, depending on their complexity. So here is a list of the books I have recently read and that really helped me grow personally. Moreover, every single book brings me a little closer to become a specialist in the 3 pillars of my own healing journey: NUTRITION, YOGA, and PSYCHOLOGY. Feel free to reach out to me in case you have any question.

some of my Favourite books


  1. The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)
  2. The untethered soul – the journey beyond yourself (Michael A. Singer)
  3. The Power of Now (Eckhart Tolle)
  4. You are the Placebo (Dr. Joe Dispenza)
  5. Becoming Supernatural (Dr. Joe Dispenza)
  6. The Why Cafe (John Strelecky; I even prefer the 2nd book)
  7. There is no App for Happiness ( Max Strom)
  8. Becoming (Michelle Obama)
  9. The Universe has your back (Gabrielle Bernstein)
  10. Big Magic (Elizabeth Gilbert)
  11. 12 Rules for Life (Jordan B. Peterson)
  12. Small Great Things (Jodi Picoult)
  13. The Gifts of Imperfection (Brené Brown)
  14. Untamed (Glennon Doyle)
  15. Self-Compassion (Kristin Neff)
  16. Radical Compassion (Tara Brach)
  17. Radical Acceptance (Tara Brach)
  18. Belonging (Toko-pa Turner)
  19. The Book of Longing (Sue Monk Kidd)


  1. The sun and her flowers (Rupi Kaur)
  2. Inward (Yung Pueblo)


  1. Der Ernährungskompass (Bas Kast)
  2. How not to die (Dr. Michael Greger)
  3. The china study (T. Colin Campbell)
  4. Vegan-Klischee ade! (Niko Rittenau)
  5. Atomic Habits (James Clear)

On Mind-Body connection (YOGA):

  1.  The Heart of Yoga (T.K.V. Desikachar)
  2.  Yoga and Ayurveda  (David Frawley)
  3. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika  (Swami Muktibodhananda)
  4. Light on Yoga  & Light on Life (B.K.S. Iyengar) 
  5. Yoga and Eating Disorders (Carolyn Costin)
  6. The Body keeps the Score (Bessel van der Kolk)
  7. The Mind Illuminated (John Yates, PhD)


  1. Start with Why (Simon Sinek)
  2. Influence (Robert Cialdini)
  3. Money and the Law of Attraction
  4. The Why Cafe & Return to the Why Cafe (John P. Strelecky)
  5. The Big Five for life (John P. Strelecky)
  6. Everything is figuroutable (Marie Forleo)
  7. Super Attractor (Gabrielle Bernstein)
  8. blink (Malcolm Gladwell)
  9. The 4-hour work week (Tim Ferries)

On healing:

  1. The Transformation (James S. Gordon, MD)
  2. The Wisdom of Anxiety (Sheryl Paul)
  3. The Body keeps the Score (Bessel van der Kolk)
  4. Radical Compassion (Tara Brach)
  5. Radical Acceptance (Tara Brach)
  6. Greater Than the Sum of Our Parts (Dr. Richard Schwartz)
  7. Trauma and the Unbound Body (Dr. Judith Blackstone)
  8. Waking the Tiger (Dr. Peter Levine)

The journal that changed my life:

The GOOD LIFE Journal (click HERE to grab yours!)

some of my Favourite Documentaries

how to heal & MATTER in this world:

  1. HEAL
  2. The Shift (Dr. Wayne Dyer)
  3. Give & Grow 
  4. e-motion
  5. Incite Happiness
  6. Project Happiness
  7. A quest in meaning
  8. The connection
  9. Crazywise
  10. The tapping solution
  11. The Secret
  12. The goddess project

What to eat:

  1. What the Health
  2. Forks over Knives
  3. Fat, sick and nearly dead
  4. Hungry for change
  5. Earthlings