about the GOOD life

Was, wenn ich mit einem einfachen Leben zufrieden bin?

Mein Leben ist einfach. Unaufgeregt und trotzdem spannend. Ich öffne morgens das Fenster und lausche der Ruhe, die sich sowohl um mich herum als auch in mir ausbreitet.  Ich nehme mir Zeit für meine Freundschaften, spontane Ausflüge und die kleinen Dingen, die wir so häufig übersehen. Meine Arbeit erfüllt mich. Sehr sogar. Ich weiß warum…

inner wisdom
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The tool that saved, changed, and transformed my life

The tool that changed my life wasn’t my Yoga practice, my vegan diet, or my studies in Psychology Marketing, and Nutrition. (Although all of them were supportive.) It wasn’t the partner, the coach, therapist, or trip I took. (Although they were part of it.) It wasn’t the book, the podcast episode, Instagram post, or YouTube…

I am me
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I am not who I used to be and that is a beautiful thing

So much has changed over the last few months and yet here I am – still me but somehow different than I used to be. When I think of my GOOD life, today, it’s simple. Slow. It’s gathering in a nourishing community that welcomes me in my fullness. It’s embracing myself as I am. Being…

fawn response, people pleasing, trauma

People pleasing (“fawning”) is a (overlooked) trauma response

I’ve been digging deeper into the origins and consequences of trauma and how it impacts our nervous system lately, so I want to share what I’ve discovered so far.  What is trauma? Trauma is not just about the things that happened to us that should not have happened. It also includes what DIDN’T happen to…