The link between
Healing & Wholeness
I believe that healing comes from a place where we recognize that there is nothing to be “fixed” as there is nothing that is “broken”. People don’t break. They get hurt and then they can heal. This doesn’t mean that the damage never existed it means that we no longer allow it to define us.
This is not wu-wu work.
It’s not airy-fairy stuff. It’s real, concrete, and important. I don’t promise that you will never experience pain or challenges again. Instead, I invite you to intentionally and compassionately embrace your pain, doubts, and fears. I do promise that in working together you will experience your life as more whole, joyful, and meaningful. A whole life is to me, well, very much complete. And sadly quite rare.
The hardest journey you will embark on is overcoming how you see yourself. To find the love you seek, look within. Learn to rest in that place deep inside your heart, it is your true home. The past does not define you, even when you still bear the wounds. You are free to believe amidst the brokenness, you are still whole and there is more to you.
Healing starts and ends with a deep sense of wholeness and self-belonging.
This sense of wholeness is not a place where there is no pain, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of all of life’s challenges and still remember that you are complete. Wholeness does not mean perfection: it means embracing brokenness as an integral part of life. And it’s in this radical, authentic, soul-aligned way of living that we find we can belong everywhere we go, because we belong to ourselves.
You deserve to feel whole. Wholeness is your birthright and I am here to remind you and guide you back home – to yourself.