What I wish when I started my healing journey
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What I wish I knew when starting my healing journey

I believe, one of the most important lessons I had to learn the hard way is: YOU CAN’T POUR FROM AN EMPTY CUP!⠀⠀You’ve probably heard about this analogy: Before an airplane takes off, the flight attendants deliver advice on what to do in an emergency situation. They explain that if the oxygen masks drop down,…

Holistic health & healing
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The quest for a HOLISTIC approach

In this post, you will discover: why we need a HOLISTIC approach to healing what *transformation* is truly about a chance that might change your life Have you tried traditional therapy and felt something was missing? From my own experience as a patient & practitioner, I know that for many people traditional therapy has little…

The Power of Yoga in overcoming a mental illness
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The Power of Yoga in overcoming a mental illness

I DON’T THINK IT’S AN ACCIDENT THAT YOU’VE LANDED HERE. Hi you. For those of you who don’t know me yet, my name is Nila and I started this blog about 1 year ago, when I felt the ambition to share what I have learned on my personal recovery journey. Ever since I started writing…