about the GOOD life

Was, wenn ich mit einem einfachen Leben zufrieden bin?

Mein Leben ist einfach. Unaufgeregt und trotzdem spannend. Ich öffne morgens das Fenster und lausche der Ruhe, die sich sowohl um mich herum als auch in mir ausbreitet.  Ich nehme mir Zeit für meine Freundschaften, spontane Ausflüge und die kleinen Dingen, die wir so häufig übersehen. Meine Arbeit erfüllt mich. Sehr sogar. Ich weiß warum…

inner wisdom
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The tool that saved, changed, and transformed my life

The tool that changed my life wasn’t my Yoga practice, my vegan diet, or my studies in Psychology Marketing, and Nutrition. (Although all of them were supportive.) It wasn’t the partner, the coach, therapist, or trip I took. (Although they were part of it.) It wasn’t the book, the podcast episode, Instagram post, or YouTube…

Der HOFLIEFERANT: Frische-Post direkt vom Acker

How to create GOOD HABITS & make them stick

In this post you will learn: what habits are, how to break old and establish new habits, why true behaviour change is identity change, and what you might have been doing wrong all this time. Why new year’s resolutions rarely work Every year, millions of people resolve to make positive changes in their lives. We…

What I wish when I started my healing journey
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What I wish I knew when starting my healing journey

I believe, one of the most important lessons I had to learn the hard way is: YOU CAN’T POUR FROM AN EMPTY CUP!⠀⠀You’ve probably heard about this analogy: Before an airplane takes off, the flight attendants deliver advice on what to do in an emergency situation. They explain that if the oxygen masks drop down,…

Holistic health & healing
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The quest for a HOLISTIC approach

In this post, you will discover: why we need a HOLISTIC approach to healing what *transformation* is truly about a chance that might change your life Have you tried traditional therapy and felt something was missing? From my own experience as a patient & practitioner, I know that for many people traditional therapy has little…